TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE: For issuance of a three-year nonrenewable Temporary Certificate covering ENGLISH (GRADES 6-12), the following requirements must be completed, and official documentation must be submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification:
4 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE: For issuance of a Professional Educator’s Certificate valid for five years covering ENGLISH (GRADES 6-12), the above requirements for a Temporary Certificate must be completed, and a CG-10 Application Form, appropriate non-refundable application fee, and official documentation of the following requirements must be submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification:
Find Certification information online at http://www.fldoe.org/edcert
Contact our office at (US domestic calls) 800-445-6739 or (outside the US) 850-245-5049S o wha t d oes it all mean?
T h e dates highlighted in yellow indicate the time period the SOE is considered valid. If the SOE expires and you have not fulfilled the requirements to be eligible for an educator certificate, you will have to reapply for evaluation (application and fee) to receive a valid SOE based on current laws in effect at the time the application was received by the Bureau of Educator Certification.
1 Indicates whether or not you are eligible for certification.
2 Obtain full-time employment with a school district in Florida that is accredited and approved to verify your competency as a teacher.
3 Once employed, the school district will submit your fingerprint record and an issuance request verifying your employment. Once issued, your temporary certificate is valid for a three-year period. Since the certificate is nonrenewable, you will need to work towards DOE requirements to obtain your initial professional, renewable certificate.
4 To become eligible for a professional certificate, you must complete the requirements as outlined.
5 The General Knowledge requirement must be satisfied within the first 12 months of employment. If not satisfied within the prescribed time frame, your employment will terminate. It is important to understand your deadline to avoid termination.
You may demonstrate mastery of General Knowledge by any one of the following:6 You must take and pass the Professional Education Test (PEd). This test assesses knowledge of pedagogy and professional practices in the field of education. The PEd is available through a computer-based format. Please visit the Florida Teacher Certification Examination website at www.fl.nesinc.com for more information and to register.
7 You must take and pass the Subject Area Examination (SAE) for each subject area listed on your temporary certificate. SAEs measure content area knowledge specific to the subject area. SAEs are available via computer-based format. To obtain more information and register, please visit www.fl.nesinc.com .
8 Professional Education Competence must be demonstrated either through written verification from your principal (for non-education majors) or by graduation from a state- approved education program. Non-education majors participate in the New Teacher Orientation program (NTOP). Upon completion of the NTOP, principals verify whether or not you have completed the program.
9 Non-education majors are required to establish professional preparation competence. The requirement includes a minimum of 15 semester hours in education courses with credit in each of the professional education areas listed below. The purpose is to prepare you for the classroom. The following are examples of the required coursework:
*One year of teaching experience in the subject area may be applied in lieu of three (3) semester hours of undergraduate college credit to satisfy one (1) specific course requirement in a course-by-course evaluation for any certification subject coverage or endorsement, with the exception of ESOL.
1 0 The Practical Teaching Experience requirement means you must complete one year of full-time teaching (or service in the instance of positions not involving classroom teaching) in an elementary or secondary school within the validity period of your temporary certificate.
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